Thursday, November 02, 2006

Watch "Proving Our Worth: Quantifying the Value of Testing" on Google Video

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Proving Our Worth: Quantifying the Value of Testing

54 min 38 sec - Aug 10, 2006
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Description: Google TechTalks August 10, 2006 Lee Copeland has over thirty years experience as an information systems professional. He has held a number of technical and managerial positions with commercial and non-profit organizations in the areas of applications development, software testing, and software development process improvement. Now, as a consultant with Software Quality Engineering, Lee has developed and taught numerous training courses focusing on software development and testing based on his extensive experience. In addition, he provides consulting services to SQE's clients ABSTRACT The real purpose of testing is to create information. So, when managers complain that testing "costs too much" perhaps they are really trying to say, "I'm not getting enough valuable information to justify the cost of testing." Join Lee as he discusses why quantifying the value of testing is difficult work — perhaps that's why we concentrate so much on testing process—that's much easier. But until we do this difficult work, until we prove our worth through quantifying our contribution, we should expect the bombardments to continue.

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